UPGRADE Alert: Fix the Crash Issue with Scandit SDK
Image by Kaitrona - hkhazo.biz.id

UPGRADE Alert: Fix the Crash Issue with Scandit SDK

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re one of the unfortunate souls who’ve been hit by the dreaded crash issue with Scandit SDK Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the solution right here!

The Problem: Scandit SDK Crash Issue

The Scandit SDK has been reported to cause app crashes, leaving users frustrated and developers stumped. The error messages may vary, but the root cause lies in the SDK’s incompatibility with certain device architectures or OS versions.

Symptoms of the Crash Issue

  • App crashes immediately after launching
  • Error messages indicating compatibility issues or missing libraries
  • App freeze or unresponsiveness
  • Inability to scan barcodes or access camera

The Solution: Upgrade to a Stable Scandit SDK Version

Luckily, the Scandit team has been working tirelessly to resolve the issue, and we’ve got a fix that’s just a few clicks away! Upgrading to a stable version of the Scandit SDK will get your app back on track in no time.

Supported SDK Versions

As of the latest release, the following Scandit SDK versions are stable and crash-free:

  • Scandit SDK (recommended)
  • Scandit SDK (alternative)

Step-by-Step Upgrade Guide

Follow these easy steps to upgrade your Scandit SDK and say goodbye to those pesky crashes:

  1. Open your project in your preferred IDE (e.g., Android Studio, Xcode)

  2. Navigate to your project’s dependencies or podfile (depending on your platform)

    // For Android (Gradle)
    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.scandit.datacapture:scandit-capture-core:'
    // For iOS (Cocoapods)
    pod 'ScanditCaptureSDK', ''
  3. Update the Scandit SDK version to the recommended or alternative version:

    // For Android (Gradle)
    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.scandit.datacapture:scandit-capture-core:'
    // For iOS (Cocoapods)
    pod 'ScanditCaptureSDK', ''
  4. Clean and rebuild your project to apply the changes

  5. Test your app to verify the crash issue is resolved

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any problems during the upgrade process, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

Error Message Solution
“Failed to resolve: com.scandit.datacapture:scandit-capture-core” Check your Gradle version and repository URLs
“Pod install fails with error ‘ScanditCaptureSDK’ not found” Verify your Podfile syntax and try running `pod install –repo-update`
“App still crashes after upgrading the SDK” Check for any conflicting dependencies or outdated plugins


Upgrading to a stable Scandit SDK version is a straightforward process that’ll get your app back up and running in no time. By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you’ll be able to resolve the crash issue and provide a seamless experience for your users.

Remember to stay vigilant and keep your Scandit SDK up-to-date to avoid any future compatibility issues. Happy coding!

Still stuck? Reach out to the Scandit support team or seek help from the developer community for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about the Scandit SDK upgrade crash!

Why did the Scandit SDK upgrade cause my app to crash?

The Scandit SDK upgrade comes with significant changes, including a new architecture and improved performance. However, this upgrade also introduces breaking changes that might cause compatibility issues with your app’s current configuration. To resolve the crash, review the updated documentation and ensure that your app is properly integrated with the new SDK version.

What are the common causes of crashes after upgrading to Scandit SDK

Some common causes of crashes after upgrading to Scandit SDK include outdated plugin versions, incorrect license key implementation, and missing or incorrect dependencies. Make sure to check the Scandit documentation for the correct implementation guidelines and troubleshoot your app’s configuration to identify the root cause of the issue.

How do I troubleshoot the crash issue after upgrading to Scandit SDK

To troubleshoot the crash issue, enable crash reporting in your app and review the logs to identify the exact error message and line of code that’s causing the crash. You can also try debugging your app in a simulated environment to reproduce the issue and isolate the problem. If you’re still stuck, reach out to Scandit’s support team for assistance.

Can I downgrade to a previous version of the Scandit SDK to avoid the crash issue?

While it’s technically possible to downgrade to a previous version of the Scandit SDK, it’s not recommended as it may cause other compatibility issues or prevent you from taking advantage of the latest features and improvements. Instead, focus on resolving the crash issue by following the troubleshooting steps and Scandit’s documentation guidelines.

Where can I find more information about the Scandit SDK upgrade and its changes?

For more information about the Scandit SDK upgrade and its changes, visit the Scandit documentation and release notes. You can also reach out to Scandit’s support team or community forums for further assistance and guidance.

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