Unleash the Power of Unity Unlit Shaders: Plotting Curves with Even Thickness Made Easy
Image by Kaitrona - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleash the Power of Unity Unlit Shaders: Plotting Curves with Even Thickness Made Easy

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Are you tired of struggling to create visually stunning curves in Unity? Do you want to learn the secrets of using Unity’s unlit shaders to plot curves with even thickness? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you on a journey to master the art of curve plotting using Unity’s powerful unlit shaders.

What are Unity Unlit Shaders?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of curve plotting, let’s take a step back and understand what Unity unlit shaders are. Simply put, unlit shaders are a type of shader that doesn’t take into account the scene’s lighting. This means that the shader won’t respond to changes in lighting, making it ideal for creating UI elements, wireframes, and, you guessed it, curves!

Why Use Unlit Shaders for Curve Plotting?

So, why choose unlit shaders for curve plotting? The answer lies in their flexibility and customization options. With unlit shaders, you can:

  • Control the curve’s thickness and color
  • Create custom curve shapes and styles
  • Optimize performance by ignoring lighting calculations
  • Combine with other shaders for unique effects

Preparing for Curve Plotting with Unlit Shaders

Before we start coding, let’s make sure we have the necessary tools and setup.

Unity Version and Shader Graph

For this tutorial, we’ll be using Unity 2020.3 or later, along with the built-in Shader Graph tool. If you’re new to Shader Graph, don’t worry! We’ll cover the basics as we go along.

Creating a New Shader Graph

Open Unity and create a new project or open an existing one. Go to Window > Shader Graph, and create a new shader graph by clicking on the “Create” button.

// Name your shader graph, e.g., "CurvePlotter.shadergraph"

Understanding the Curve Plotting Shader

Now that we have our shader graph setup, let’s dive into the meat of the tutorial. We’ll create a custom unlit shader that plots a curve with even thickness.

The Math Behind Curve Plotting

Before we write any code, let’s understand the math behind curve plotting. In this example, we’ll use a simple quadratic curve.

The quadratic curve formula is:

y = ax^2 + bx + c

We’ll use this formula to generate points along the curve and then connect them using a line.

Writing the Shader Code

Open your shader graph and create a new node by right-clicking in the graph area and selecting “Math > Add”. Name this node “CurvePoint”. This node will calculate the curve points using the quadratic formula.

// CurvePoint node code
float x = inputUV.x; // Input UV coordinates
float y = a * x * x + b * x + c; // Quadratic curve formula
return float2(x, y);

Create another node, “LineSegment”, which will take two curve points and draw a line segment between them.

// LineSegment node code
float2 p0 = inputPoint0.xy; // First curve point
float2 p1 = inputPoint1.xy; // Second curve point
float thickness = inputThickness; // Line thickness

// Calculate line direction and length
float2 dir = p1 - p0;
float len = length(dir);

// Calculate line vertices
float2 v0 = p0 - dir * thickness / 2;
float2 v1 = p0 + dir * thickness / 2;
float2 v2 = p1 + dir * thickness / 2;
float2 v3 = p1 - dir * thickness / 2;

// Draw line segment
return float4(v0, v1, v2, v3);

Create a final node, “CurvePlot”, which will connect multiple line segments to form the complete curve.

// CurvePlot node code
float2 points[10]; // Array to store curve points
float thickness = inputThickness; // Line thickness

// Calculate curve points using the CurvePoint node
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  points[i] = CurvePoint(float2(i / 10.0, 0));

// Draw line segments between curve points
float4 lineSegments[9];
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
  lineSegments[i] = LineSegment(points[i], points[i + 1], thickness);

// Return the final curve
return lineSegments;

Using the Curve Plotting Shader in Unity

Now that we have our shader code written, let's apply it to a Unity object.

Creating a Quad Object

Create a new quad object in Unity by going to GameObject > 3D Object > Quad. Name it "CurvePlotter".

Applying the Shader

Drag and drop the "CurvePlotter.shadergraph" file onto the CurvePlotter object in the Hierarchy panel. This will apply the shader to the object.

Customizing the Curve

In the Inspector panel, you'll see three variables: a, b, and c, which control the curve's shape. Experiment with different values to create unique curves.

Variable Description
a Controls the curve's curvature
b Controls the curve's slope
c Controls the curve's y-intercept


And that's it! With this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to use Unity's unlit shaders to plot curves with even thickness. Remember to experiment with different curve formulas, thickness values, and shader combinations to unlock endless creative possibilities.

Happy coding, and don't forget to share your amazing curve creations with the Unity community!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash your creativity with Unity's unlit shader and plot those curves like a pro!

What's the deal with Unity's unlit shader and plotting curves?

Unity's unlit shader is a game-changer when it comes to plotting curves with even thickness. It allows you to bypass the usual lighting calculations and focus on the curve's geometry, ensuring a consistent thickness throughout. This shader is perfect for creating visually stunning curves, lines, or even 3D graphs!

How do I set up a Unity project to use an unlit shader for curve plotting?

To get started, create a new Unity project and add a 3D object (like a plane or a line) to serve as the base for your curve. Then, create a new material and select the Unlit shader. Assign this material to your 3D object, and voilà! You're ready to start plotting those curves.

What's the magic behind achieving even thickness with Unity's unlit shader?

The secret to even thickness lies in the shader's ability to use the object's screen space coordinates to calculate the thickness. This ensures that the curve's thickness remains consistent regardless of the camera's position or zoom level. It's pure magic, folks!

Can I customize the appearance of my curve using Unity's unlit shader?

Absolutely! With Unity's unlit shader, you can tweak various properties to customize the appearance of your curve. For example, you can adjust the thickness, color, and even add textures or gradients to give your curve a unique look. Get creative and experiment with different settings to achieve the desired effect!

Are there any limitations to using Unity's unlit shader for curve plotting?

While Unity's unlit shader is fantastic for plotting curves, it does have some limitations. For instance, it doesn't support advanced lighting effects or complex shaders. However, if you're looking for a simple, high-performance solution for plotting curves, this shader is an excellent choice.